INsight ®
INsight ®

Catherine Millman
About Catherine
About Catherine
Open the Door to a Whole New World ~
A World Full of Possibilities

In this work I witness miracles. Watching one soar in their excellence, supporting physical recovery, and being a companion when someone recovers from deep trauma, is a truly humbling, awe inspiring experience. I work with logic and practical applications for my clients and events. I enjoy bringing a bit of Lightheartedness and understanding for growth and change. Every event, session and class is unique, having the potential for unimaginable transformation.
I am passionate about life. I'm intrigued with expanded awareness, quantum physics, metaphysics, plus emotional and cellular research. My techniques go clearly and directly to the root of a situation, thereby creating core changes which ripple throughout one's life. This information occurs at an accelerated rate and can be done one-on-one or in a group setting. I help people achieve their goals of personal growth and healing through Empowered INsight, Intuition, technical abilities, and Guidance, along with various therapies, to create a bridge of understanding with practical applications.
Time and space are not defining factors. I offer distance work and have never met some of my clients in person. While in Missouri, the furthest Distant Coaching Session was in India, where I assisted in problem solving for a job, and the furthest Distant Physical Session was a healing in Germany to overcome back pain.
I continuously evolve and expand upon my Gifts and abilities. The techniques are a fusion of Guidance, knowledge, and skills tailored to the client or audience and explained in greater detail under the Skills & Abilities page.
Talents and Interests Include:
Talents and Interests Include:
- Intuitive Counselor, Life Coach, & Guided Transformational Journeys
- Speaker and Intuitive Reader ranging from private to large events
- Teacher in a wide spectrum of traditional and holistic practices including Energy and Intuitive Work, Massage Therapy, Reiki, and T'ai Chi Chih ~ Joy Thru Movement®
- Nationally Certified & Missouri Licensed Massage Therapist
- Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management
- Animal Communicator
- Skills in Quantum Touch, Cranial Sacral, Acupressure, Trigger Points, Chakra Work, along with Light, Crystal, Sound Vibration, and Aromatherapies, and much more
- Medium and Spiritual Conduit
- Interest and studies embodying the correlation between quantum physics and metaphysics
Favorite Resources
"HEAL Change Your Mind, Change Your Body, Change Your Life"
"You Can Heal Your Life: The Movie" Expanded Edition
"What the Bleep Do We Know?"
"The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz
"The Hidden Messages in Water" by Masaru Emoto
by Dawn M. Christman, D.C.
(A small portion of my work with the Christman family is shared in this book, as well as being noted as a Resource)
My music preference are by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson or Hemi-Sync which support brain balance through alternating tones of binaural beats
Essential Oils
Himalayan Salt Lamps
Various types of vibrational sounds
Smudging with white sage, bay leaves, salts, and/or sweet grass
Stones and Crystals: I often use: citrine, kyanite, quartz, labradorite, and various grounding stones
I have various items for sale and often will assist my clients in finding the oils or crystals which align with them